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La migliore costruzione di Ashe in League of Legends

Berserker’s Greaves won’t be enough bonus attack speed for you to become a dangerous marksman. To achieve that goal, this statistic needs to be at a high level. Thus, having one more item that boosts it is compulsory. And the best one to go for on Ashe is Runaan’s Hurricane.

With its unique passive, which makes you shoot extra auto attacks into nearby enemies, it’s perfect for taking care of the enemy bruisers, fighters, and tanks that will dive you. It’s also extremely efficient when clearing minion waves.

Late-game items

HOW TO PLAY ASHE ADC - Season 12 Ashe Guide | Best Build & Runes

Infinity Edge

This item is similar to Rabadon’s Deathcap for ability power-based champions. It’s a great pickup in most of your matches, especially in the late game. Before you pick up Infinity Edge, you will already possess some items that increase your critical strike chance. Thus, Infinity Edge’s passive, which will enhance this stat by a bonus 35 percent, will be turned on, making each of your auto attacks a critical strike. It also grants you 70 attack damage. This item is a superb choice for late-game Ashe.

Angelo custode

Now that players have some greatly-needed damage in their inventory, it’s time to pick up some survivability that will be needed in late-game battles. In terms of ADCs and Ashe especially, the most sensible item to go for is Guardian Angel. Its building path features Stopwatch, which should be picked as the first item when going for GA due to its unique, single-use active ability that will allow you to survive a fight in most cases. Once completed, GA will bring you back to life with a five-minute cooldown, which can make a tremendous difference post-30 minutes.

Lama del Re rovinato

Usually, this is the wisest way to finish your build on Ashe. It grants you 40 attack damage, 25 percent attack speed, and eight percent lifesteal, which are the key stats on the Frost Archer. BOTRK also makes you deal extra damage with every auto attack, which always comes in handy on Ashe.


Kraken Slayer

This is another Mythic item that you may think about instead of Immortal Shieldbow. Kraken Slayer excels most when you’re playing against a composition that isn’t threatening to you since instead of a shield, it gifts you with attack speed and more attack damage with every third hit.


In cases where you really want to go all-in, it’s wisest to pick Galeforce. With its active ability, you are going to have a dash that will allow you to close the gap between you and your enemies. Nevertheless, as Ashe, you will rarely find yourself in a position to spearhead during teamfights, so this should be your last alternative in terms of Mythic items.

Mercury’s Treads

Nowadays, AP mages are popular in the mid lane, with a few of them also appearing in other lanes. Thus, sometimes it might be tough to sustain their damage. So, in matches against ability power-based team comps, it’s sensible to sacrifice Berserker’s Greaves for these shoes. They also grant much-needed tenacity.

Wit’s End

As we said, there are a lot of AP-based compositions in the game right now. And while having Mercury’s Threads is helpful, sometimes it’s better to just pick up Wit’s End instead of one of the late-game items. It gives you magic resistance as well, while boosting your AD, attack speed, and giving you an on-hit bonus magic damage passive.

Mortal Reminder

If you find yourself in a game where the enemies have too much healing, don’t hesitate to pick up a Mortal Reminder. It applies Grevious Wounds to your opponents, which is the best way of dealing with such compositions.

Lord Dominik’s Regards

This is the best item to choose when you’re in great need of armor penetration since it grants you 35 points of this stat. Outside of that, it also enhances your attack damage and critical strike chance and has a unique passive with which you will deal more physical damage.

Guinsoo’s Rageblade

This item should be picked instead of Runaan’s Hurricane if you want to focus on single targets instead of multiple ones. But besides increasing your attack speed, it also converts your critical strike chance into additional damage, so it’s great with almost every build on Ashe since you’re looking to have 100 percent of that stat either way.

Ballerino fantasma

This is a great option when you’re looking for one-vs-one duels or when the enemy team has assassins that may flank you. It boosts your major stats and grants you movement speed. Additionally, it has a passive that for a short amount of time enormously increases your attack speed, which in duels can mean the difference between life and death.


To wrap up the build, we have Bloodthirster. Its main goal is to increase your lifesteal, and it does so perfectly since it gives players 18 percent of that stat. So if you’re desperately in need of a lifesteal, purchase Bloodthirster in the late game.


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