ha pubblicato un interessante post sul blog sull'impatto delle materie prime per la casa di aste a livello regionale nelle patch 9.2.7 e ha calcolato che quasi il 98% del volume delle case d'aste sono articoli di merce. Nella patch 9.2.7, tutti gli oggetti di merce (erbe, boccette, gemme, minerali...) saranno combinati per l'intera regione. ha esaminato i dati e elencato il volume medio di articoli sulla casa d'aste che sono merci e non merci nell'ultima settimana. Prima di immergerci dentro, solo una breve nota che una pila di erbe 200 conta come 200 verso il volume totale degli oggetti . Di seguito sono riportati i dati completi per le case d'asta nelle regioni USA/UE. Volume dell'asta US
Regni | Articoli di merce | Articoli non trasmissibili | Percentuale merce |
Stormrage | 7.402.902 | 106.340 | 98,58% |
Area 52 | 6.954.299 | 118.743 | 98,32% |
Illidan | 5.684.668 | 98.798 | 98,29% |
Tichondrius | 4.988.166 | 84.334 | 98,34% |
Dreadmaul, Frostmourne, Gundrak, Jubei’thos, Thaurissan | 4.576.454 | 72.848 | 98,43% |
Zul’jin | 4.306.229 | 69.220 | 98,42% |
Sargeras | 3.986.532 | 65.845 | 98,38% |
Dalaran | 3.973.732 | 62.687 | 98,45% |
Mal’ganis | 3.763.697 | 59.531 | 98,44% |
Bleeding Hollow | 3.706.896 | 64.450 | 98,29% |
Thrall | 3.652.011 | 62.871 | 98,31% |
Ragnaros | 3.469.450 | 52.760 | 98,50% |
Aegwynn, Bonechewer, Daggerspine, Garrosh, Gurubashi, Hakkar | 3.392.983 | 62.971 | 98,18% |
Orgoglioso | 3.117.710 | 71.359 | 97,76% |
Guardia della luna | 3.082.506 | 84.492 | 97,33% |
Quel’thalas | 2.590.227 | 49.752 | 98,12% |
Ghostlands, Gnomeregan, Grizzly Hills, Kael’thas, Lothar, Malfurion, Moonrunner, Trollbane | 2.428.490 | 46.293 | 98,13% |
Sogno smeraldo | 2.411.247 | 39.727 | 98,38% |
Alleria, Esodar, Khadgar, Medivh | 2.371.773 | 31.496 | 98,69% |
Azralon | 2.305.109 | 41.165 | 98,25% |
Barthilas | 2.279.580 | 39.320 | 98,30% |
Caelestrasz, Nagrand, Saurfang | 2.110.469 | 42.248 | 98,04% |
Azgalor, Azshara, fornace sanguigna, Destromath, Mannoroth, Nazjatar, Thunderlord | 2.037.047 | 63.536 | 96,98% |
Kel’thuzad | 2.023.420 | 39.713 | 98,08% |
Akama, Antonidas, Dragonmaw, Eldre’thalas, Kourstrasz, Mug’thol, Uldum | 2.004.680 | 43.206 | 97,89% |
Agamggan, Archimonde, Blade’s Edge, Burning Legion, Jaedenar, Kargath, Norgannon, The Underbog, Thunderhorn | 1.933.614 | 40.930 | 97,93% |
Hyjal | 1.878.956 | 34.614 | 98,19% |
Burning Blade, Garona, Icecrown, Lightning's Blade, Malygos, Onyxia | 1.770.364 | 45.561 | 97,49% |
Drak’tharon, Firetree, Frostwolf, Malorne, Rivendare, Spistone, Stormscale, Vashj | 1.708.268 | 39.323 | 97,75% |
Eredar, Gorefiend, Hellscream, Spinebreaker, Wildhammer, Zangarmarsh | 1.691.806 | 34.857 | 97,98% |
Borean Tundra, Drak’thul, Hydraxis, Mok’nathal, Shadowsong, Silvermoon, Skywall, Terenas | 1.669.230 | 53.012 | 96,92% |
Azuremyst, Dawnbringer, Madoran, Staghelm | 1.650.144 | 25.201 | 98,50% |
Aman’thul, Dath’remar, Khaz’goroth | 1.624.561 | 42.302 | 97,46% |
Wyrmrest Accord | 1.559.962 | 58.576 | 96,38% |
Kil’jaeden | 1.487.868 | 27.540 | 98,18% |
Andorhal, Black Dragonflight, Eonar, Gul’dan, Scilla, Skullcrusher, Ursin, Velen, Zuluhed | 1.442.521 | 33.768 | 97,71% |
Anub’Arak, Arathor, Chromaggus, Crushridge, Drenden, Garithos, Nathrezim, Smorderthorn | 1.434.681 | 27.389 | 98,13% |
Cairne, Cenarius, Frostmane, Korgath, Ner’zhul, Perenolde, Tortheldrin | 1.430.104 | 36.971 | 97,48% |
Lightbringer | 1.425.922 | 29.793 | 97,95% |
Darrowmere, Draka, Suramar, Windrunner | 1.390.666 | 28.549 | 97,99% |
Mountains alterac, Anvilmar, Balnazzar, Gorgonnash, The Forgotten Coast, Minine, Warsong | 1.295.578 | 23.724 | 98,20% |
Dentarg, Whisperwind | 1.255.970 | 28.782 | 97,76% |
Aggramar, Fizzcrank | 1.236.438 | 26.588 | 97,89% |
Durotan, ysera | 1.224.369 | 18.391 | 98,52% |
Azjol-serub, Blackrock, Khaz Modan, Muradin, Nordrassil | 1.191.537 | 33.545 | 97,26% |
Bloodscalp, Boulderfist, Dunemaul, Maiev, Quel’Dorei, Sen’jin, Stonemaul | 1.117.298 | 31.002 | 97,30% |
Auchindoun, Cho’gall, Elune, Gilneas, ridendo cranio | 1.096.902 | 26.990 | 97,60% |
Blackwing Lair, Dethecus, Detheroc, Haomarush, Lethon, Shadowmoon | 904.491 | 10.965 | 98,80% |
Aerie Peak | 870.409 | 25.897 | 97,11% |
Blackwater Raiders, Cenarion Circle, Shadow Council, Sorers of Elune | 852.060 | 26.312 | 97,00% |
Lightninghoof, Maelstrom, Ravenhholt, The Venture Co, Twisting Nether | 843.714 | 16.186 | 98,12% |
Ravencrest, Uldaman | 791.581 | 18.064 | 97,77% |
Drakkari | 789.732 | 14.758 | 98,17% |
Greymane, Tanaris | 768.245 | 14.587 | 98,14% |
Baelgun, Doomhammer | 762.522 | 15.925 | 97,95% |
Bloodhoof, Duskwood | 721.589 | 19.024 | 97,43% |
Kilrogg, Winterhoof | 708.295 | 13.560 | 98,12% |
Nemesis, Tol Barad | 701.632 | 8.926 | 98,74% |
Arthas | 698.114 | 14.066 | 98,02% |
Bladefist, Kul Tiras | 695.070 | 14.407 | 97,97% |
Alar of Storms, Anetheron, Magtheridon, Ysondre | 694.309 | 12.502 | 98,23% |
Draenor, Echo Isles | 681.868 | 12.633 | 98,18% |
Blackhand, Galakrond | 669.496 | 15.293 | 97,77% |
Farstriders, Silver Hand, Thorium Brotherhood | 632.679 | 16.103 | 97,52% |
Eitrigg, Shu’Halo | 626.198 | 11.212 | 98,24% |
Nazgrel, Nesingwary, Vek’nilash | 614.941 | 17.270 | 97,27% |
Argent Dawn, The Scryers | 602.326 | 20.588 |
Regni | Articoli di merce | Articoli non trasmissibili | Percentuale merce |
Draenor | 7.437.477 | 108.406 | 98,56% |
Dentarg, Tarren Mill | 6.968.095 | 118.712 | 98,32% |
Kazzak | 6.492.538 | 97.247 | 98,52% |
Blackhand, Echsenkessel, Mal’ganis, Taerar | 5.933.967 | 74.819 | 98,75% |
Silvermoon | 5.465.274 | 109.866 | 98,03% |
Twording Nether | 5.440.436 | 84.268 | 98,47% |
Ravencrest | 4.719.598 | 96.741 | 97,99% |
Gordunni | 4.541.024 | 52.106 | 98,87% |
Hyjal | 4.165.150 | 50.136 | 98,81% |
Ululante fiordo | 4.066.267 | 50.867 | 98,76% |
Blackmoore, Lordaeron, Tichondrius | 3.829.594 | 66.724 | 98,29% |
Soulflayer | 3.711.254 | 32.908 | 99,12% |
Doomhammer, Turalyon | 3.542.708 | 56.730 | 98,42% |
Ambossar, Kargath, Thrall | 3.458.804 | 54.179 | 98,46% |
Antonidas | 3.413.949 | 70.693 | 97,97% |
Ragnaros | 3.402.665 | 61.177 | 98,23% |
Blackrock | 3.355.444 | 50.340 | 98,52% |
Argent Dawn | 3.014.235 | 102.977 | 96,70% |
Archimonde | 2.855.680 | 29.579 | 98,97% |
Stormscale | 2.785.226 | 61.127 | 97,85% |
Eredar | 2.724.585 | 39.434 | 98,57% |
Sanguino, Shen’Dralar, Uldum, Zul’jin | 2.410.710 | 41.872 | 98,29% |
Burning Blade, Drak’thul | 2.406.397 | 43.641 | 98,22% |
Al’akir, Burning Legion, Skullcrusher, Xavius | 2.401.230 | 45.718 | 98,13% |
Cho’gall, Dalaran, Eldre’thalas, Marécage de Zangar, Sinstralis | 2.304.774 | 33.207 | 98,58% |
Arathor, Hellfire, Kilrogg, Nagrand, RunETotem | 2.122.343 | 36.792 | 98,30% |
Garrosh, Nozdormu, Perenolde, Shattrath, Teldrassil | 2.060.767 | 28.192 | 98,65% |
Darkmoon Faire, Defias Brotherhood, Earthen Ring, Ravenholdt, Scarshield Legion, Sporeggar, The Venture Co | 1.895.226 | 53.756 | 97,24% |
Confrérie du Thorium, Conseil des Ombres, culte de la Rive Noire, Kirin Tor, La Croisade Écarlate, Les Clairvoyants, Les Sentinelles | 1.832.346 | 35.078 | 98,12% |
Auchindoun, Dunemaul, Jaedenar, Sylvanas | 1.823.999 | 45.384 | 97,57% |
Outland | 1.813.475 | 43.031 | 97,68% |
Blackscar, Booty Bay, Borean Tundra, Deathweaver, Grom, Thermaplugg | 1.765.363 | 22.326 | 98,75% |
Ysondre | 1.746.859 | 22.261 | 98,74% |
Frostwolf | 1.720.488 | 25.460 | 98,54% |
Dun Morogh, Norgannon | 1.554.193 | 31.593 | 98,01% |
Azjol-serub, Quel’thalas | 1.523.603 | 32.884 | 97,89% |
C’thun, Dun Modr | 1.483.782 | 29.708 | 98,04% |
Der Mithrilorden, der Rat von Dalaran, Die Nachtwache, Forscherliga, Todeswache, Zirkel des Cenarius | 1.390.954 | 32.986 | 97,68% |
Das Konsortium, Das Syndikat, der Abyssische Rat, die Arguswacht, die ewige wacht, die Silberne Hand, Die Todeskrallen, Kult der Verdamten | 1.367.224 | 23.442 | 98,31% |
Aggra (Português), Frostmane, Grim Batol | 1.255.447 | 39.158 | 96,98% Aegwynn | 1.225.208 | 19.812 | 98,41% Bloodfeather, bruciando steppe, Darkspear, Executus, Kor’Gall, Saurfang, Hatterd Hand, Terokkar | 1.217.655 | 20.796 | 98,32% Eversong | 1.210.926 | 17.530 | 98,57% Azshara, Baelgun, Krag’jin, Lothar | 1.202.533 | 20.237 | 98,34% Aman’thul, Anub’Arak, Dalvengyr, Frostmourne, Nazjatar, Zuluhed | 1.195.951 | 22.732 | 98,13% Arygos, Khaz’goroth | 1.178.481 | 13.553 | 98,86% Destromath, Gilneas, Gorgonnash, Mannoroth, Nefarian, Nera’thor, Ulduar | 1.170.165 | 20.845 | 98,25% Aerie Peak, Blade’s Edge, Bronzebeard, Eonar, Vek’nilash | 1.163.090 | 26.625 | 97,76% Alleria, Rexxar | 1.136.117 | 25.180 | 97,83% Area 52, Sen’jin, un’Goro | 1.114.703 | 10.249 | 99,09% Drek’thar, Eitrigg, Krasus, Uldaman | 1.107.188 | 13.164 | 98,83% Elune, Varimathras | 1.104.203 | 12.149 | 98,91% Colinas Pardas, Los Errantes, Tyrande | 1.081.862 | 16.528 | 98,50% Arthas, Blutkessel, Durotan, Kel’thuzad, Tirion, Vek’lor, Wrathbringer | 1.069.494 | 20.018 | 98,16% Deathwing, Dragonbight, Ghostlands, Karazhan, Lightning’s Blade, The Maelstrom | 1.066.644 | 33.068 | 96,99% Pozzo Dell’eternità | 1.022.192 | 15.992 | 98,46% Magtheridon | 1.020.598 | 29.404 | 97,20% Ahn’Qiraj, Balnazzar, Boulderfist, Chromaggus, Daggerspine, Ride Skull, Hatered Halls, Sunstrider, Talnivarr, Trollbane | 1.017.806 | 18.433 | 98,22% Thunderhorn, Wildhammer | 1.017.774 | 15.271 | 98,52% Camera di aspetti | 1.014.297 | 16.227 | 98,43% Malfurion, Malygos | 985.327 | 28.803 | 97,16% Die Aldor | 982.664 | 24.426 | 97,57% Alexstrasza, MadMortem, Nethersturm, Proudmoore | 928.321 | 20.680 | 97,82% Khaz Modan | 923.038 | 18.553 | 98,03% Nemesi | 922.195 | 15.700 | 98,33% Deepholm, Galakrond, razzio | 880.746 | 16.467 | 98,16%
Dragonmaw, Haomarush, Spinebreaker, Stormreaver, Vashj | 86
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